前置きはこれくらいにして、紹介する記事は"Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture"です。その私訳を以下に載せておきます。
[追記: 2018年10月06日]
ここに至るまでの経緯については"数学における最大の謎: 望月新一と不可解な証明"を読んで下さい。その記事は2015年12月にオックスフォードで行われた望月論文に関する初めての国際的ワークショップより前の話が書かれています。
[追記: 2018年10月23日]
記事に出て来るPublications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences(略してPRIMS)誌は京都大学数理解析研究所(略してRIMS)が発行する数学ジャーナルです。つまり、望月新一博士は勤務先が発行する数学ジャーナルの主任編集者ということになります。RIMSから研究予算を貰い、その成果をRIMSが発行する数学ジャーナルに掲載して何が悪いのかという議論がある一方で、海外からは非常に透明性に乏しいという指摘が少なからずあります。
前置きはこれくらいにして、紹介する記事は"Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture"です。その私訳を以下に載せておきます。
[追記: 2018年10月06日]
ここに至るまでの経緯については"数学における最大の謎: 望月新一と不可解な証明"を読んで下さい。その記事は2015年12月にオックスフォードで行われた望月論文に関する初めての国際的ワークショップより前の話が書かれています。
[追記: 2018年10月23日]
記事に出て来るPublications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences(略してPRIMS)誌は京都大学数理解析研究所(略してRIMS)が発行する数学ジャーナルです。つまり、望月新一博士は勤務先が発行する数学ジャーナルの主任編集者ということになります。RIMSから研究予算を貰い、その成果をRIMSが発行する数学ジャーナルに掲載して何が悪いのかという議論がある一方で、海外からは非常に透明性に乏しいという指摘が少なからずあります。
[追記: 2019年02月28日]
That conference was the worst I've ever participated in.
The problem is that Mochizuki should have sent himself or his colleagues who could communicate enough with others in English. Didn't he have any decent adherents of his theory? Or rather, does he give short shrift to us?
It seems as if he had a visceral dislike of our understanding of his theory by all appearance.
[追記: 2019年03月07日]
[追記: 2019年03月13日]
この記事を読んでショルツ、スティクス両博士側に肩入れしているように感じた人もいると聞きました。それを聞いて私は正直意外に思いました。つまり、記事をしっかり読んでいるのかと疑いました。そもそも著者のErica Klarreich女史は記事を書くにあたって望月博士側にも取材を申し入れていたのですが、応じて貰えなかったのです(このことも記事には断りとして書かれています)。当然ショルツ博士側の生の声を書くしかないでしょう。どちらに非があるかは一目瞭然です。
[追記: 2019年03月24日]
[追記: 2019年07月25日]
[追記: 2019年11月03日]
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences(略してPRIMS)誌は京都大学数理解析研究所(略してRIMS)が発行すると[追記: 2018年10月23日]に書きましたが、2010年からはEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing House(欧州数学協会出版部)に出版業務を委託しました。ですから出版業そのものにはRIMSは関わってませんが、発行責任元がRIMSであることは全く変わりありません。従って、RIMSが発行すると書いても間違いではありません。
[追記: 2019年12月12日]
[追記: 2020年04月10日]
While the big names in maths are doubting the proof, the PRIMS suddenly accepted the papers. I have no idea whatsoever why the PRIMS did so.
I have no choice but to say we'd better keep out of the PRIMS or the RIMS. In Japan, there are a lot of public relations regarding IUT out there. For example, the Japanese idiots are passionate about Fumiharu Kato's popular enlightening book written in Japanese. The book shamelessly advertises IUT, of course. I'm disregarding their fashion because it's a matter of indifference to me.
It's a pity that the Japanese media reported that the acceptance by the PRIMS had guaranteed the proof. I worry the Japanese maths community might be isolated from the world. If only the European Mathematical Society Publishing House would decline to publish the issue of the papers!
[追記: 2020年04月16日]
As for Mochizuki's proof regarding Corollary 3.12, no one, including Mochizuki's followers and disciples, is in a position to judge whether it's correct or not; that is, no one can be a referee, a fortiori Mochizuki's followers and disciples in terms of referee neutrality can't. Who on earth can be a referee? Can you tell me who's eligible? Incidentally, Akio Tamagawa, a member of the PRIMS editorial board, said the editorial board decided to accept Mochizuki's papers because of the referees' recommendation. I don't believe it at all. Or rather, I worry that there might have been no fair referees, contrary to Tamagawa's say.
[追記: 2019年11月03日]
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences(略してPRIMS)誌は京都大学数理解析研究所(略してRIMS)が発行すると[追記: 2018年10月23日]に書きましたが、2010年からはEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing House(欧州数学協会出版部)に出版業務を委託しました。ですから出版業そのものにはRIMSは関わってませんが、発行責任元がRIMSであることは全く変わりありません。従って、RIMSが発行すると書いても間違いではありません。
[追記: 2019年12月12日]
[追記: 2020年04月10日]
While the big names in maths are doubting the proof, the PRIMS suddenly accepted the papers. I have no idea whatsoever why the PRIMS did so.
I have no choice but to say we'd better keep out of the PRIMS or the RIMS. In Japan, there are a lot of public relations regarding IUT out there. For example, the Japanese idiots are passionate about Fumiharu Kato's popular enlightening book written in Japanese. The book shamelessly advertises IUT, of course. I'm disregarding their fashion because it's a matter of indifference to me.
It's a pity that the Japanese media reported that the acceptance by the PRIMS had guaranteed the proof. I worry the Japanese maths community might be isolated from the world. If only the European Mathematical Society Publishing House would decline to publish the issue of the papers!
[追記: 2020年04月16日]
As for Mochizuki's proof regarding Corollary 3.12, no one, including Mochizuki's followers and disciples, is in a position to judge whether it's correct or not; that is, no one can be a referee, a fortiori Mochizuki's followers and disciples in terms of referee neutrality can't. Who on earth can be a referee? Can you tell me who's eligible? Incidentally, Akio Tamagawa, a member of the PRIMS editorial board, said the editorial board decided to accept Mochizuki's papers because of the referees' recommendation. I don't believe it at all. Or rather, I worry that there might have been no fair referees, contrary to Tamagawa's say.
In such a case, as maths journals go, the PRIMS should have rejected Mochizuki's. To put it another way, the PRIMS has no quality as a maths journal.
To make sure, it doesn't matter whether the proof is correct or not; the problem is that no one can be a referee. Not surprisingly, quite a few people, most of whom are Japanese, don't understand it.
That's all I'd like to say.
[追記: 2020年04月28日]
"Taro-Nishino" is my pseudonym, and so it's in vain to find me out, whatever search engines you may use. Just as writers do, I use my pseudonym, too.
Of course, relatives, friends, and acquaintances know who I am and my real name. They never expose me. It's common knowledge nowadays to use pseudonyms in writing blogs such as mine.
To make sure, it doesn't matter whether the proof is correct or not; the problem is that no one can be a referee. Not surprisingly, quite a few people, most of whom are Japanese, don't understand it.
That's all I'd like to say.
[追記: 2020年04月28日]
"Taro-Nishino" is my pseudonym, and so it's in vain to find me out, whatever search engines you may use. Just as writers do, I use my pseudonym, too.
Of course, relatives, friends, and acquaintances know who I am and my real name. They never expose me. It's common knowledge nowadays to use pseudonyms in writing blogs such as mine.
In a nutshell, what does it matter who I am?
[追記: 2020年05月14日]
上記の[追記: 2019年02月28日]の中で触れた2015年の12月にオクスフォドで開催された望月論文に関するワークショプについては"証明をめぐる3年の苦闘の後、困惑したままの数学者達"を見て下さい。
[追記: 2020年06月24日]
I have been saying this: no one, including Mochizuki's followers and disciples, is in a position to judge whether or not the proof of Corollary 3.12 is correct, and virtually no one can be a referee, so the PRIMS should have rejected Mochizuki's papers. Incidentally, Akio Tamagawa, a member of the PRIMS editorial board, said the editorial board decided to accept Mochizuki's because of the referees' recommendation. I don't believe it at all. Or rather, I worry that there might have been no fair referees, contrary to Tamagawa's say.
Here temporarily, however, suppose some can judge the proof correct outside Mochizuki's followers and disciples and that the PRIMS requested them to be referees. Mochizuki's followers and disciples have to get excluded from the referees in terms of neutrality. In maths journals, there exist anonymity to protect referees' neutrality, not that they can do anything they plot under their anonymity. Among others, most importantly, they've got to sustain their neutrality. There should be no room for doubt about it.
Even then, I cannot but question whether the anonymous referees seriously played their roles in examining the proof. The reason is that I feel that the PRIMS can't exceptionally open the referee reports to the maths community publicly, and neither can those referees convince such other experts as, shall I say, Scholze, Kedlaya, and so on of the correctness of the proof.
Be that as it may, to preserve the integrity of maths and lest the ABC conjecture should turn into Mochizuki's theorem called only in Kyoto, Japan, conscientious mathematicians must continue to object to the publication of the proof at any cost.
[追記: 2020年05月14日]
上記の[追記: 2019年02月28日]の中で触れた2015年の12月にオクスフォドで開催された望月論文に関するワークショプについては"証明をめぐる3年の苦闘の後、困惑したままの数学者達"を見て下さい。
[追記: 2020年06月24日]
I have been saying this: no one, including Mochizuki's followers and disciples, is in a position to judge whether or not the proof of Corollary 3.12 is correct, and virtually no one can be a referee, so the PRIMS should have rejected Mochizuki's papers. Incidentally, Akio Tamagawa, a member of the PRIMS editorial board, said the editorial board decided to accept Mochizuki's because of the referees' recommendation. I don't believe it at all. Or rather, I worry that there might have been no fair referees, contrary to Tamagawa's say.
Here temporarily, however, suppose some can judge the proof correct outside Mochizuki's followers and disciples and that the PRIMS requested them to be referees. Mochizuki's followers and disciples have to get excluded from the referees in terms of neutrality. In maths journals, there exist anonymity to protect referees' neutrality, not that they can do anything they plot under their anonymity. Among others, most importantly, they've got to sustain their neutrality. There should be no room for doubt about it.
Even then, I cannot but question whether the anonymous referees seriously played their roles in examining the proof. The reason is that I feel that the PRIMS can't exceptionally open the referee reports to the maths community publicly, and neither can those referees convince such other experts as, shall I say, Scholze, Kedlaya, and so on of the correctness of the proof.
Be that as it may, to preserve the integrity of maths and lest the ABC conjecture should turn into Mochizuki's theorem called only in Kyoto, Japan, conscientious mathematicians must continue to object to the publication of the proof at any cost.
[追記: 2021年08月12日]
皆さんもご存知の通り、PRIMSの望月論文特別号が2021年03月にEMS Press(元の名称European Mathematical Society Publishing HouseがEMS傘下から独立して改称されました)から刊行されました。この刊行を巡ってEMS内部でも刊行拒否の議論があったと知人から聞きましたが、EMSにはPRIMSの編集権が無く、しかも出版業務契約を不履行もしくは破棄をすることは契約条項に違反し、多額の賠償責任を負うことになるので止むを得ず出版することになったようです。その代わり(?)にEuropean Mathematical Society Publishing Houseを独立させ、EMSとは別組織にしました。
Let's bear in mind that it is none other than Mochizuki who is far more desperate to get his theory recognised than we expected. We have only to wait and see how the situation develops. And then don't bother with his circle even if they'll stop at nothing to attain their ends. As a result, the chances are that we'll know his theory turns out to be a fake in due course.
[追記: 2021年09月22日]
You can argue about IUT, that infamous Corollary 3.12 in particular, till you're blue in the face abroad, but in Japan, it's nonsense to do that, or rather, even risky. Mochizuki's circle would stop at nothing to attain their ends in Japan. Worse yet, most of them are shamelessly bossy in their country, and so, like the obstinate old, they won't listen to your criticism. It cannot be otherwise. At least I've got nothing I could do about it.
Why has making a free argument about IUT been going from bad to worse in Japan? The plausible reason is that the papers about IUT get left alone all over the world except in Japan despite the long-awaited publication. In other words, if you're Japanese, then you feel obliged to conform to the so-called original and glorious theory made in the name of the RIMS, especially Shinichi Mochizuki, all the more for the previously mentioned reason. You might feel as if you lived in a feudal society, but there it is. It may mean that Japan is, in fact, a backward country.
Be that as it may, since Mochizuki and his circle have turned their backs on the world, there's no way that the proof of Corollary 3.12 gets recognized.
[追記: 2021年10月02日]
From a lot of reliable information, I cannot but infer that, regarding the publication of Mochizuki's papers, an unspoken understanding existed inside the PRIMS editorial board long ago, where Shinichi Mochizuki was the chief editor. Not only I but anyone else also takes this inference for granted, though.
It's very doubtful the PRIMS requested conscientious mathematicians to be referees. At this point, I'd like to make one thing clear: Mochizuki's circle, namely his followers and disciples, who look like suckerfishes for him, can't be referees in terms of referee neutrality. Most Japanese need to understand the meaning of it. Those who don't see this meaning may well be weak in the head.
I haven't heard of such a conscientious mathematician who can go over Mochizuki's papers with a fine-tooth comb without missing a beat in Japan. Abroad, most first-rate mathematicians were sceptical about those papers from the outset. Or rather, you'd rather quit being a mathematician than recognize that proof of Corollary 3.12.
In the end, virtually no one can be a referee; nonetheless, the PRIMS didn't reject those papers. Worse yet, the PRIMS not only accepted those papers but officially published them as well. It's only natural that many a mathematician should harshly criticize the PRIMS for blowing its own trumpet.
Taking the status quo into account, unfortunately, I cannot but guess that the referees for those papers were from Mochizuki's circle, abusing the referees' anonymity. It's no use, however, getting upset with such anonymous cowardly referees because they may have only followed someone's command.
To rub it in, most Japanese had better ask themselves severely what the purpose of a referee's anonymity is.
My first inference above isn't simply a guess.
[追記: 2021年10月12日]
[追記: 2021年10月19日]
私の海外の知人の一人、リシュエィニヤ(Lithuania /ˌlɪθjuˈeɪniə/、日本の馬鹿表記ではリトアニア)の方との最近のやり取りの中で望月論文の現状について私の個人的見解を書きましたので、その一部分を世界の誰もが読めるようにここに載せておきます。
Abroad, people say Mochizuki's papers about IUT are no more acceptable to the world than Louis de Branges' papers about the Riemann hypothesis are, irrespective of the number of their pages respectively and whether their papers officially got published in maths journals. Mochizuki couldn't win any other experts around to his arrogant idea. Worse yet, people say Mochizuki's papers also are destined to get forgotten unbeknown to the public, like de Branges'. Few mathematicians bother to work on suspicious Corollary 3.12, the centre of Mochizuki's papers, so Mochizuki's will inevitably get forgotten, as previously mentioned. Conversely, if his papers got accepted by the world from the outset, I would think the world insane.
By the by, haven't you ever heard of the above? Probably you haven't if you're Japanese. The reason is that most Japanese have only a look inside their country and won't have a look beyond the country. They seem like big fish in a small pond.
Why can most Japanese have only information limited like that? Despite an English education for at least no less than six years in Japan, most can't master it, and neither can they read quickly and write, let alone speak fluently and hear in English. As a result, only information limited like that can they have, so it's easy enough to play on their ignorance and brainwash them, for example.
It's no exaggeration to say that the intellect of most Japanese is much lower than that of the people from such small countries as the Baltic states, for example, where English isn't their mother tongue. The reason is that despite the previously mentioned restriction, those from such small countries can read quickly, write, speak fluently and hear in English.
[追記: 2022年05月05日]
Not to worry. Mochizuki's circle seems as noisy only in Japan as ever. For example, NHK broadcast the programme regarding IUT in April, as you know.
I've said that his circle would stop at nothing before. I couldn't care less whatever they do, but perhaps some of them pushed NHK to broadcast this programme. In my view, the programme was off the point. Suffice it to say that the programme got broadcast only for the brainwashing of Japanese laypeople who might well be weak in the head. That is, it's not worth watching. In no circumstances will Mochizuki's circle succeed. That's all there is to it.
[追記: 2022年05月11日]
どうも最近、某放送局のIUT特集の放映があったり、友人共が教えている大学では新入生達が入学したりして、完全なるド素人が増殖中だからなのかどうかは分かりませんが、学生達の中には私の書く英文もろくに読まずに(もしくは読めないので適当に端折り、自分達の都合のいいように解釈して)私を批判するIUT fanらしき者もいるそうです(そして、彼等の卑劣さは、世界には発信せずに日本語という防波堤に隠れて偉そうに喚いているという日本人の特徴そのものとも言えます)。そこで私の考えを簡単にまとめ、平均的知性があれば国の内外を問わず世界中の誰もが読めるように以下に載せておきます。なお、ずっと以前から私の考えは全く変わってません。
All I'd like to say is as follows:
1) Unfortunately, there are cases in such a way that no one, except the authors, understands the authors' papers in the strict sense. Those causes almost all originate from the authors' way of writing. Namely, it's not so much of a good way of writing. I've long since said that no one can be a referee in such a case.
The PRIMS should have rejected Mochizuki's papers. Everyone abroad thinks the PRIMS didn't do so at once because Mochizuki is still the chief editor of the PRIMS. Since there's no telling whether or not those papers are correct, no one can be a referee, and neither can Mochizuki's circle in the sense of referee neutrality. By his circle, here, I mean his followers and disciples. They look like suckerfishes for him. Once again, the PRIMS should have rejected those papers all the more because no one, including Mochizuki's circle, must be a referee.
Be that as it may, who on earth was a referee? Or rather, I fear there might have been no decent referees.
2) Abroad, quite a few well-known mathematicians doubt the proof of Corollary 3.12. While Mochizuki and his circle have to persuade those mathematicians, they've yet to do anything substantial. They won't even give it a go. Only P.R. regarding IUT for the Japanese masses, most of whom might well be weak in the head, did they make an effort to do; for example, NHK Special about IUT, Fumiharu Kato's popular enlightening book written in Japanese, and so on. They seem only to be good at media hype in Japan.
Which side wants to get the papers recognized, Mochizuki's or the other? It's Mochizuki's, by all appearances. Sooner rather than later, go abroad and discuss that proof. Any maths institute will welcome that. The world couldn't care less whatever Mochizuki's circle is doing only in Japan. With all that, they, oddly enough, like to do stuff limited in Japan. I'm not sure of their thinking at all. Don't they feel miserable? I pity them.
Once again, the proof of Corollary 3.12 isn't recognized as long as they turn their backs on the world.
3) All the same, the PRIMS officially published Mochizuki's papers. It's only natural for so many mathematicians abroad to conclude that those papers got passed from the outset without decent referees and have harsh words to the effect that the PRIMS made an exception for Mochizuki.
4) If his proof should be incorrect, Mochizuki wouldn't at all revise those papers that look as if their content was profound and grandiose at first sight, much less retract them, and neither would he make them readable even remotely. At this point, I'd like to make one thing clear; almost all mathematicians don't like Mochizuki's way of writing. It's not too much to say that those papers are written not in mathematical terms but in Mochizuki's odd words. If his proof were to be correct, no mathematicians would understand that. To put it another way, they are the most unreadable and ugly papers ever in the annals of maths.
5) I hear not a few IUT fans stand by Putin. Is that true? I'm not sure what's the reason at all. You're free to be an IUT fan for all I care. Sad to say, a Ukrainian acquaintance got killed in public by Russian troops the other day. So I beg you only not to stand by Putin.
As for IUT fans' reason for standing by Putin, one of my friends hypothesizes that odd as it may sound, Mochizuki and his circle are to IUT fans what Putin's regime is to its passionate Russian supporters. Both are turning their backs on the world and are much the same structurally.
Not only such IUT fans but also the Japanese masses tend more or less to adore dictators. In other words, most Japanese aren't independent in the true sense. It's a great pity.
Last but not least, I'd like to say this to Russians, especially Russians not living in their homeland: never forget that it's none other than Russians (including Putin) that are getting Russia isolated from the world.
6) P.S. On 1st August 2022.
No reference was made to IUT at all in the ICM 2022. That means that the world couldn't care less no matter what Mochizuki and his circle are doing only in far east local Japan, and that, at the same time, IUT has already died a miserable death. That is, almost all mathematicians have no trouble without IUT.
If the proof of Corollary 3.12 should be correct in the strict sense, Mochizuki and his circle should have again and again gone abroad and discussed that proof persistently long before the official publishing of his papers. Moreover, if so, at least they could have explained the essence of that proof in detail. To our great surprise, none of them did that after all. Were they much too mean? Were they amateurs? What on earth was their maths to them? Why didn't they do what even awkward Grisha Perelman by himself could? Since when have they been that irresponsible? Didn't they want to get recognition? If not, let them go their way for all we care. Why were they much closed to the outside? Oddly enough, why would no one, including the members of the RIMS, officially explain the reason that the infamous proof of Corollary 3.12 should be correct? God only knows those answers. It's only natural for Mochizuki and his circle to get disregarded by the maths world. How come? You would rather quit being a mathematician than recognize that opaque proof of Corollary 3.12. Mochizuki and his circle thus have only themselves to thank if they get disregarded.
In the end, if I were to be the late Prof. Goro Shimura, I would say, 'I told you so.'
Incidentally, almost all IUT fans, who are Japanese and might not be right in the head, seem to wish that Hiraku Nakajima, the latest president of the IMU, would reverse the status quo surrounding IUT. Are they fools? They always have their heads in the clouds. Dream on!
To put it bluntly, no one, except Mochizuki, his circle, and foolish Japanese IUT fans, thinks the status quo surrounding IUT will take a turn for the better. Or rather, people abroad say that, like Louis de Branges' papers about the Riemann hypothesis, Mochizuki's papers about IUT will gradually get forgotten unbeknown to the public, too. Don't most Japanese masses misunderstand? It's a fact that Mochizuki might be charismatic in Japan, but that is never so abroad. So, the world, looking askance at him, unlike Japan, never indulges him. Most Japanese masses easily get brainwashed by P.R. regarding IUT because they may be weak in the head; it's, however, time you noticed that Mochizuki was no longer the mathematician he used to be.
In hindsight, the news conference on 3rd April 2020 held by the RIMS may have been the last straw for the maths world. At that time, two members of the RIMS happily, with haughty faces, announced that Mochizuki's papers had been accepted officially by the PRIMS at the news conference. That looked as if the RIMS pandered to Mochizuki's every whim. You might want to know how weird Japan is nowadays.
Be that as it may, taking account of the humiliating fact that IUT itself gets disregarded by the maths world, I think that at least the following institutions (truth to tell, I wanted to name individuals, though) have to take some responsibility, for better or worse: the RIMS, Tokyo Institute of Technology, the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, Nikkei Science, and Kadokawa Publishing. I'm hoping each of those institutions will fall apart. The three Japanese news media aforementioned, in particular, set the stage for P.R. regarding IUT. That tells the world how foolish most Japanese masses are.
Last but not least, never forget maths is an international subject!
7) P.S. On 15th November 2022.
To revive his reputation in the maths world, first and foremost, Shinichi Mochizuki is obliged to apologise for disgracing some greatly respected mathematicians. Where does he get off calling Peter Scholze, a Fields Medal laureate, incompetent? Scholze must've thought deep down that was rich coming from Mochizuki. Mochizuki doesn't seem to have any class. I'm confident his companions didn't tell him where to get off. I can't help but say how self-important and conceited he is. He should have bitten his tongue. Also, he would get forced to apologise on behalf of foolish Japanese IUT fans because, by using a myriad of e-mails, those fans, being out of their minds and furious, are attacking those mathematicians who are doubtful of IUT. Probably, he won't apologise because of his hypocritical patriotism. If not, however, the world won't give recognition to him. That means he won't rise like a phoenix from the ashes. To put it to the extreme, only a fat chance of his revival would be there for him. He must've wanted to be a Grothendieck, but after all, he'll end up as only a Grothendieck wannabe.
Incidentally, the RIMS is on the campus of Kyoto University, but it's independent of the university. I'm not sure why it's necessary for there to be highly irresponsible institutes such as the RIMS in Kyoto. I think the RIMS ended its original role almost in the 1990s. Now that one rotten apple spoils the barrel, the RIMS must get thrown away as quickly as possible.
Last but not least, I'd like to ask Mr Fumiharu Kato this: When will Prof. Shinichi Mochizuki get such a glorious prize as the Nobel? Be that as it may, we'd better take what Mochizuki's parties say with a pinch of salt. At least I've had enough of the hype about IUT.
[追記: 2023年07月29日]
Few, if any, mathematicians could be bothered to take up that infamous dubious proof of Corollary 3.12, so there would be no papers deserving to get given this prize. Or rather, it's no use setting up such a prize that wouldn't inspire any new studies. The world is laughing for this reason, if anything. Without a doubt, Mochizuki's team would thus get stuck in a dead end. At this point, I must remind you that Nobuo Kawakami, Shinichi Mochizuki, Fumiharu Kato, Ivan Fesenko, and so on are as thick as thieves. Would you ever feel them weird? We'd better take our eyes off their fuss. It's no exaggeration to say that they piggyback onto the ignorance of the Japanese masses. Most Japanese people stay in the valley and never get over the hill, so they are innocently delighted to watch the activities of Mochizuki's team on Japanese TV. I want to add papers such as Mochizuki's hardly ever succeed because they have whetted almost no one's appetite for understanding them. Had Mochizuki been unknown, his long works would have gotten thrown away immediately into the rubbish bin. In general, the quality of those papers is of such a low degree.
The status quo is this: No one can deny that his proof of Corollary 3.12 may have been fabricated if its validity is unexplainable. The maths world has strong reservations about that and makes Mochizuki's team and quite a few foolish Japanese fans learn a lesson in the sense that it is what it is. Before I forget, this situation bears no relation to the stuff Scholze and Stix have already pointed out. Pedantically speaking, the validity of his proof doesn't necessarily get self-evident, even if Scholze and Stix's say is false. At the very least, Mochizuki should have assumed the burden of convincing other experts abroad of the validity of his proof much earlier if he was confident of it. That's all there is to it. By the way, I'm uncertain why he won't deliver any lectures abroad. Can anyone let me in on the mystery?
In the end, the prize will only highlight the backwardness and introversion of Japan to the rest of the world. It may be time you deserted Japan just as Sumire Nakamura-san, a leading Japanese female Go player, would move overseas.
[追記: 2024年04月08日]
It's no use advising Mochizuki's team that it be incumbent on authors to explain their papers to others in such a way that they can understand, because, as is often the case with Mochizuki's team, this kind of advice deliberately goes in one ear and out the other. Thus, it was virtually they who parted company with the maths community. They would stop at nothing in Japan to save face. For example, they've long since even gone so far as to hype their achievements only inside Japan using foolish Japanese media, institutes and more foolish Japanese fans. They seem very good at only self-promotion. For the record, the ABC conjecture is still open as long as the validity of Mochizuki's proof of Corollary 3.12 is unexplainable and almost all experts, except Mochizuki's team, question its validity. With all these situations, does anyone want such an almost self-congratulatory prize? If that's the case, it must be said the person is shameless. Mochizuki's team has lowered themselves towards a much lower level than expected. I wonder if they know what they're doing. All we have to do now is to wait and see. We had better leave them the way they are. Disregarding them will go a long way towards keeping mathematics coherent. You have only to ridicule their big fuss.
[追記: 2024年04月20日]
望月新一博士の最新のreportを読んだ人も多いかと思います。数学的議論を別にして、あの悲劇の9/11をわざわざ持出して、Kirti Joshi博士の論文の定理の番号付けがどうたらこうたら云々と難詰しているのを読んで非常に嫌悪感を抱いたのは私のみならず、私の友人共や海外知人達も同様でした。いや、私は恐怖すら覚えました。私の海外知人達の間では数学的議論に全く関係の無いことでJoshi博士を甚振るのは余りにもおかしいと正式抗議のために署名運動等を始めようかと言い出す方もいらっしゃいます。それに対する意見を求められたので、差し障りの無い範囲で私の意見のごく一部を以下に載せておきます。
Mochizuki insulted Kirti Joshi apart from mathematical arguments in his new report. It's obvious harassment or disdain towards him to all appearances and a violation of human rights. You might want to challenge Mochizuki on that report through the IMU and exclude Mochizuki from the maths community if he refuses to apologise. You should, however, bear in mind that the incumbent president of the IMU is unluckily Japanese and worse yet an ex-professor at that infamous RIMS, so the insiders of the IMU might stop your movement in a cowardly manner at a certain stage. The best way is for the victim, Kirti Joshi, to accuse Mochizuki of violating human rights as soon as possible through the IMU. It may be, however, difficult for him to do so for now, considering his conditions. Much to our surprise, Mochizuki almost always insults others' intelligence although few think much of him. He doesn't seem to have any class. Does he perhaps want to get disliked deliberately by the maths community except Japan? If that's the case, it must be said how singular a country Japan is. If you leave Mochizuki the way he is, you have no choice but to grin and bear his insults. Incidentally, an acquaintance abroad says Mochizuki's papers on IUTT have long since been white elephants and that they aren't worth your while as long as the validity of Mochizuki's proof of Corollary 3.12 is unexplainable. So you don't need to have any reservations about Mochizuki. Few are troubled without IUTT. I'd rather sign the signature list if you can promote the movement than merely stand with you. I couldn't agree more with you.
Be that as it may, I'm very disappointed that Mochizuki's companions didn't tell him where to get off. You'll soon notice there's no decent person around him. Most mathematicians at the RIMS seem desperate to save the institute's reputation and it doesn't seem to matter to them whatever Mochizuki is doing.
[追記: 2024年05月08日]
Kirti Joshi博士が数学的反論を望月新一博士及びペータ・ショルツェ博士に、そして望月博士のcommentに対しても個別に反論をしたことは皆さんも御存知でしょう。それに対する私の感想を海外知人達に書き送りましたが、数学的議論を除けば非常に短いですが以下の通りです。
I'm relieved to see that Kirti Joshi is safe and sound. I think he should go the way he is; it's, however, no use for him to ask Mochizuki's team to open their minds, because they virtually parted company with the maths community except Japan. Suffice it to say that he shouldn't have any hopes about Mochizuki.
2018年9月20日 Erica Klarreich
2018年9月20日 Erica Klarreich
今日オンラインでポストされたレポート[訳注: 迂闊にも最近(2023年01月)知ったのですが、このreportが2020年頃にRIMSのserverから削除されていたようです。幸いにもScholze博士の本拠地ボン大学のserverにはreport(PDF)が保存されています]において、ボン大学のピーター・ショルツとゲーテ大学フランクフルトのジェイコブ・スティックスは京都大学の数学者の素晴らしい才能で有名な望月新一による一連の巨大論文群の中にスティックスが言うところの"深刻で修正不能なギャップ"を記述している。2012年にポストされた望月の論文群はおそらくabc予想を証明しているとされている。abc予想は数論において最も影響が広範囲に渡る問題の一つである。
それにもかかわらず、"数学者達は重大なエラーを指摘出来ないから、望月の議論について問題があると主張することを非常に嫌っている"とシカゴ大学のFrank Calegariは12月にポストされたブログで書いた。
ショルツとスティックスの結論は望月論文の彼等自身の研究のみならず、証明を議論するため京都大学において望月と彼の同僚である星 裕一郎を3月に一週間訪問したことにも基づいている。その訪問はショルツとスティックスの異議の本質へ煮詰めることに大いに役立ったとショルツは言った。両者は"証明が無いという結論に至った"とレポートに書いた。
望月の高名が数学者達に研究がabc予想に関する重大な試みであると思わせたことと全く同じように、ショルツとスティックスの卓越さが彼等が言わざるを得ないことに数学者達は注意を払うだろうことを保証している。たった30歳だけれどもショルツは彼の分野で急速に頂点に登り詰めている。彼は8月に数学最高の栄誉であるフィールズ賞を授与された。一方スティックスは遠アーベル幾何学として知られる分野、望月の特別な研究分野のエキスパートである。 "ピーターとジェイコブは非常に注意深く思慮深い数学者だ。彼等が持つ何らかの関心...確実に功績が明らかになる"とコンラッドは言った。
そんな方程式を考えると、3つの数のどれかを割る素数全体を見ることが出来る。例えば5+16=21に対して素数は5、2、3、7だ。これらを共に掛け合わせると210となり、元の方程式にある数のどれよりもずっと大きい数だ。対照的に5+27=32に対して素数は5、3、2であり、素数の積は30だ。元の方程式にある32よりも小さな数である。27と32が複数回繰り返す小さな素因数(それぞれ3と2だ)しか持たないので、その積はとても小さくなる。 他の3つ組abcについて調べ始めるなら、この2つ目のシナリオが非常に稀であることが分かるだろう。例えばaとbが1から100までで作れる3,044の異なる3つ組の中で、素数の積がcより小さいのはたった7つしかない。1980年代に初めて定式化されたabc予想は、この種の3つ組は滅多に起こらないという直観を集成している。
"abc予想は掛け算と足し算に関する非常に初等的な命題だ"とオックスフォード大学のMinhyong Kimは言った。"以前は見たことがなかった一般的な数体系に関して、ある種の非常に基本的な構造を明らかにしているように感じる"命題だ。
そして多くの数論学者達が仰天したことに、2017年末に望月の論文群が刊行のために受理されたという噂が広まった。望月自身が問題のジャーナルPublications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciencesの主任編集委員だったが、段取りをCalegariは"不透明"と見なした(そんな状況において編集委員は普通辞任するけれども)。だが、多くの数論学者達にとってもっと懸念することは論文が依然として読むに堪えないという事実だった。
"議論を理解していると主張するエキスパートは誰も(非常に多くの)戸惑っているエキスパートに説明することを成功して来ていない"とシカゴ大学のマシュー・エマートンは書いた。 Calegariはその状況を著名な数論学者達のアーメンの合唱に対する"完全な大失敗"として非難するブログポストを書いた。"私達は今や京都においてABCは定理であるが、それ以外のどこでも予想である馬鹿げた状況にある"とCalegariは書いた。
更に難解な何かはまさに証明がやっていることだと望月は強く主張する。異なると見なすべき数学オブジェクトの間の勝手な同定を作るという間違いをショルツとスティックスはしていると彼は書いた[訳注: 同型なオブジェクトをあえてラベル付けまでして異なるものだと望月博士は主張しています。しかし、現在のキャテグリ論では同型なオブジェクトの間を区別出来ません]。彼が同僚達にショルツとスティックスの異議の本質を語った時、彼の説明は"著しく満場一致の反応に遭遇した。それらの反応は、そんな明らかに誤った考え違いが起こり得たのだろうという全くの驚きと不信さえ(時には笑いの連続を伴って!)も、であった"と彼は書いた。
それにもかかわらず、"数学者達は重大なエラーを指摘出来ないから、望月の議論について問題があると主張することを非常に嫌っている"とシカゴ大学のFrank Calegariは12月にポストされたブログで書いた。
ショルツとスティックスの結論は望月論文の彼等自身の研究のみならず、証明を議論するため京都大学において望月と彼の同僚である星 裕一郎を3月に一週間訪問したことにも基づいている。その訪問はショルツとスティックスの異議の本質へ煮詰めることに大いに役立ったとショルツは言った。両者は"証明が無いという結論に至った"とレポートに書いた。
望月の高名が数学者達に研究がabc予想に関する重大な試みであると思わせたことと全く同じように、ショルツとスティックスの卓越さが彼等が言わざるを得ないことに数学者達は注意を払うだろうことを保証している。たった30歳だけれどもショルツは彼の分野で急速に頂点に登り詰めている。彼は8月に数学最高の栄誉であるフィールズ賞を授与された。一方スティックスは遠アーベル幾何学として知られる分野、望月の特別な研究分野のエキスパートである。 "ピーターとジェイコブは非常に注意深く思慮深い数学者だ。彼等が持つ何らかの関心...確実に功績が明らかになる"とコンラッドは言った。
そんな方程式を考えると、3つの数のどれかを割る素数全体を見ることが出来る。例えば5+16=21に対して素数は5、2、3、7だ。これらを共に掛け合わせると210となり、元の方程式にある数のどれよりもずっと大きい数だ。対照的に5+27=32に対して素数は5、3、2であり、素数の積は30だ。元の方程式にある32よりも小さな数である。27と32が複数回繰り返す小さな素因数(それぞれ3と2だ)しか持たないので、その積はとても小さくなる。 他の3つ組abcについて調べ始めるなら、この2つ目のシナリオが非常に稀であることが分かるだろう。例えばaとbが1から100までで作れる3,044の異なる3つ組の中で、素数の積がcより小さいのはたった7つしかない。1980年代に初めて定式化されたabc予想は、この種の3つ組は滅多に起こらないという直観を集成している。
"abc予想は掛け算と足し算に関する非常に初等的な命題だ"とオックスフォード大学のMinhyong Kimは言った。"以前は見たことがなかった一般的な数体系に関して、ある種の非常に基本的な構造を明らかにしているように感じる"命題だ。
そして多くの数論学者達が仰天したことに、2017年末に望月の論文群が刊行のために受理されたという噂が広まった。望月自身が問題のジャーナルPublications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciencesの主任編集委員だったが、段取りをCalegariは"不透明"と見なした(そんな状況において編集委員は普通辞任するけれども)。だが、多くの数論学者達にとってもっと懸念することは論文が依然として読むに堪えないという事実だった。
"議論を理解していると主張するエキスパートは誰も(非常に多くの)戸惑っているエキスパートに説明することを成功して来ていない"とシカゴ大学のマシュー・エマートンは書いた。 Calegariはその状況を著名な数論学者達のアーメンの合唱に対する"完全な大失敗"として非難するブログポストを書いた。"私達は今や京都においてABCは定理であるが、それ以外のどこでも予想である馬鹿げた状況にある"とCalegariは書いた。
更に難解な何かはまさに証明がやっていることだと望月は強く主張する。異なると見なすべき数学オブジェクトの間の勝手な同定を作るという間違いをショルツとスティックスはしていると彼は書いた[訳注: 同型なオブジェクトをあえてラベル付けまでして異なるものだと望月博士は主張しています。しかし、現在のキャテグリ論では同型なオブジェクトの間を区別出来ません]。彼が同僚達にショルツとスティックスの異議の本質を語った時、彼の説明は"著しく満場一致の反応に遭遇した。それらの反応は、そんな明らかに誤った考え違いが起こり得たのだろうという全くの驚きと不信さえ(時には笑いの連続を伴って!)も、であった"と彼は書いた。